The World Lost in Illusion
As a hot and humid Friday evening wears on, I find myself listening to Jose Gonzalez’ album In Our Nature. I've been a fan of his for ages now, and as so often happens with music this one hit me at the right moment. After writing often in June my pace dramatically fell back, often more simply working out ideas in my head without putting things down on paper (digital or otherwise). But the music helped kick start the desire to capture a moment in thought. I ran through my notes and the first three lines written below I had jotted down at some point in the past, I'm not sure when. The rest of it is more or less inspired by the state of things, although I think an argument could be made if I said that same statement in any previous decade.
The world lost in illusion
real thoughts and topics unspoken
Everyone wandering without context
Loud mouths screaming
raising nothing but distraction
Anger and frustration
Feelings have power
to overwhelm intellect
Reaching for hatred and violence
Empathy and compassion
are nothing but weakness
Fire and desire
should drive you to be better
Not to crush your unseen enemies
or drive your paranoia
against the other
Critical thinking
thoughtful observation
should drive
the topics of conversation
The world lost in illusion
caught taking selfies
without ever looking inward