Spring Flowers


While it's not technically spring yet, we did have our first nice day of the year the other day (sunny and high 60s? woot!). While the temperature fell back to normal over the weekend, at least it's been sunny.

About six years ago one of my neighbors gave me one of her potted plants. Supposedly it flowered, but she had yet to see it and had given up hope that it ever would. I kept it in light and watered it for years, but eventually it died. I put it in a corner out of the light, planning to reuse the pot at some point. Many months later I happened to be cleaning nearby (neither a rare nor frequent event) and noticed that the plant was growing again! So I put it back in the window and started watering it again.

Additional years went by with largely no change to the plant. Then about a week ago I noticed a large bud growing from the plant. Needless to say I was both curious and excited. I had no idea what type of flower I was about to witness. It took a bit, but finally this weekend it emerged. I think it looks quite amazing.

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